If the Soul issue has not been dealt with, then a physical ailment will manifest itself in another incarnation.
Read MoreEvery entity has the ultimate capability of healing Self ~ you do not need one who would be a healer.
Read MoreAny healing that may appear to occur at the physical level may be only temporary, for unless it has been healed at the
Read MoreIn order to be healed, an entity must so choose to want to be healed.
Read MoreThe Universe takes care of things whether you like it, at times, or not. It is much easier to go with what The Universe
Read MoreThe issue of light and dark relates, in perspective, to your own lightness. Remember the Spectrum of Light ~ what
Read MoreOrganized religion serves a distinct purpose. As everything that exists on the earth plane, there is purpose and, a
Read MoreThere is no one energy form any better than another energy form ~ just different levels of advancement and different
Read MoreThe message that comes from the origins of each religion is the same ~ ‘Do unto others as you would have them do
Read MoreTrust that your Higher Self is the key to your Soul and will unlock the information you need to know ~ and trust in your
Read MoreThere is a Universal Law that the comings and goings of energy forms are not just things that happen at random.
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You have no rights upon any other energy form ~ you have rights only to your own Soul and its path.