The earth plane is a specific dimension for accelerated growth and, thus, there is a bombardment of tests and
The more you are able to look at another energy without conditions attached, the greater your abilities for growth.
Unconditional Love means recognizing the Oneness within everyone and recognizing your own connections ~ and,
Read MoreYou are all receiving information from The Universal Consciousness ~ some of you very consciously and many, many
Read MoreThe Universal Consciousness is available to all ~ and the level you tap into will determine the complexity of the
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The Spirit Guides who have been assigned to you are also in their own modes of learning and it is part of their lesson
People will hear only what they are ready to hear and need to hear. Do not try to save the world for the world will not
Read MoreThere is no one group of energy forms who have exclusivity to spiritual evolvement ~ meaning that simply belonging
Read MoreAttunement with nature is only a part of the total attunement ~ there needs to be an alignment with the inner Self.
Read MoreNothing is ever lost. What might appear to be lost is only by your own perceptions, for all is illusion.
Read MoreEach energy form has the ability to protect itself against the forces around ~ it does not need artificial protection.
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You each have colors that are most compatible for you, and other colors that would best be left out of your vibration.