Waith has assembled an Angelic team, referred to as the Spirit Group, who helps him disseminate the Search for Self information. The Search for Self is the way in which Waith has organized his information and how he offers guidance. Each team member, who also speaks through Mushiba, has been assigned to assist Waith in presenting one of the six Search for Self topics.

The members of Waith’s Spirit Group and their respective Search for Self topics are:

Webbing Effect


“Each of you is webbed within Self. Many of you have lifelines, which have lifelines and/or splits. They, too, have a Webbing Effect. Thus, the journey is to find your way through this webbing back to your source. It is this web that makes it so difficult to learn of Self.”

Community of Self


“The concept of Community of Self is more than simply human energies. It is everything that surrounds you. There is no hierarchy in Community, no superiority ~ only equality. What sets an energy apart is the role that is played by each in the Community that it forms.”

Group Balancing


“Group Balancing is the way of The Universe and done by everyone. It is to be heralded with happiness for it is what makes up The Game outside of The One and provides opportunities to share experiences and joy that comes from embracing, loving and laughing with others.”

Healing of Self


“The very nature of being out of The Universal Consciousness means that part of you is not whole, and the part not whole relates to the neverending circle. Every entity must be healed ~ there is no entity exempt, for being out of The Universal Consciousness implies the need for Healing of Self.”

Gender Harmony


“There are specific roles assigned to the male and female ~ they are not meant to be alike. In the splitting of energy is created the need to return back to The One ~ after achieving Gender Harmony by experiencing lives in which you are a gender different from your dominant one.”



“Lightheartedness is not a luxury ~ it is a necessity for the balance, for closing the neverending circle. Being lighthearted does not mean you are not serious about your mission. Rather, you do not take yourself seriously ~ you are lighthearted and everything flows as a result.”

In a class session dated April 07, 1992, Farena introduced her poem titled Harmony. Together, with the musical composition by Barjan, Farena speaks her poem to Barjan’s music, as follows ~