You will have problems if you are going against what your Soul has determined to be the path for
Read MoreIf you become attuned to your Soul's purpose, you will see everything is presented to you for a
Read MoreYou can achieve anything you desire if you work with The Universe rather than against it.
Read MoreUse what you have within a spiritual context and you will grow. If you use what you have without a
Read MoreIt is hard when you are bound by the earth plane laws, limitations and restrictions, to see that the
Read MoreWhile you may not see an imbalance in this lifetime from actions taken, the imbalance is
Read MoreIf you were to wait for the acknowledgement of others, you would truly wait for eternity. Simply
Read MoreThe desires of the heart may be obtained very easily if they are meant by your Soul to be
Read MoreYou must heal Self first before you can help heal Others.
Read MoreUnless someone truly wants to be healed, they cannot be.
Read MoreSomeone may be on the earth plane with a physical ailment that is part of a lesson they
Read MoreTrust in the flow of things and take the pressure off Self to achieve something.
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