The dark is necessary in order for the light to develop.
Read MoreAs you do not place attachments to what you do for others, you become more and more harmonious within
Read MoreLearning about energy is about the flow of ones own being ~ and how to live within Self.
Read MoreThere is much more than just the Concrete Self, Higher Self and Soul ~ there are infinitesimal levels within
Read MoreForbearance is the absence of patience. Impatience means you once had patience and now you no longer
Read MoreTo play means to be working on your spiritual path. It is not opposite to what you would feel appropriate to your
Read MoreYou can be going along feeling quite good about how patient you are and then you meet someone and a little
Read MoreWhomever you meet will have varying reasons for currently being on the earth plane. They are at different points on
Read MoreIn the issues of balance think of the teeter totter that goes up and down ~ up and down, up and down ~ until you are
Read MoreThink of the Soul as the library and the Higher Self as the library card that allows you to take a book out of the library ~
Read MoreRecognize that everything presented to you on a daily basis is spiritual ~ it can be nothing else. And if you embrace
Read MoreThere are infinite training grounds. The earth plane is only one, and is one of the more difficult. Each of you, as an
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