Thoughts are an energy ~ any thought that any entity has will have a ripple effect upon the entire consciousness.
Read MoreThere are some places on the planet now that have a very large concentration of light and some other places that
Read MoreYou have the potential to be completely aware of all that exists. However, that can be overwhelming. Thus, it is the
Read MoreEntities see only what they are capable of seeing.
Read MoreThe more that you become synchronized with the ebbings of time as an energy, you are able then to actually see
Read MoreEntities are not allowed to enter the earth plane without permission, for there would be an imbalance in the
Read MoreThe Human Kingdom is not superior to anything ~ no kingdom is superior for all are equal. It is just built into the
Read MoreOn one hand you know you do not need to know anything ~ The Universe flows and all happens as it needs to
Read MoreThere is no need to know anything. Yet, outside of The One there is the need to know everything. It is in that
Read MoreIf you have taken on a path of acceleration, you can expect constant shakings of your belief systems and challenges
Read MoreJust when you become complacent in your own field of reality, something will occur to shake you and that which
Read MoreAt the highest levels of The Universal Consciousness there is Oneness and decisions are made instantly. You all make
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