The more spiritually attuned one becomes, the less one discusses it ~ it simply is the way that you are.
Read MoreEach energy is able to Heal Self ~ this is the ultimate end to the path of return to The One.
Read MoreEach energy serves as both learner and teacher ~ you may be teaching one entity and learning from another.
Read MoreDo not discard what is available and do not judge others who would use traditional medicine. An entity must choose
Read MoreThere are many strong healers on the earth plane who are in traditional medicine.
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Everything that is of the physical is a manifestation of the lessons that have been taken on in the nonphysical.
Regardless of its intensity or magnitude, everything is, in some way, a response to something to be learned or taught.
Read MoreYou may not affiliate with organized religions and still have a very strong sense of the higher powers.
Read MoreThe purpose of all energy is to grow to a higher power ~ to return to The One.
Read MoreHeaven is in your own hearts. Heaven is the love that you hold for Self.
Read MoreNo religion is any greater than another ~ it is only in the minds of those who run those religions that they are greater
Read MoreGrowth occurs only by trying something and not having it work. Once you try it and see it does not work, then you
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