As you develop unconditional love, it lightens you, for you view others as loving Souls who need your love and whose
Read MoreThere are times when there needs to be a serious look to certain issues and discussions ~ that does not mean that
Read MoreA scar is the result of a lesson learned ~ however, the imprint will not decrease unless your Soul has given up the
Read MoreRarely does an entity depart without a like energy leaving with it. They may not be known to each other or have a
Read MoreCertain energies decide that in their path back to The One, they will journey with each other ~ it makes it easier when
Read MoreWhen you see a group departure, feel its impact upon your own perspective and what you have achieved in terms of
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Many entities who are harmonious at spirit decide to take adversarial roles in a life to learn or teach ~ and, you do not
At spirit level, you decide what you are going to do, who you are going to be and what role you are going to take.
Read MoreAdvancement does not mean that you automatically will achieve what you came in to do ~ however, there is a higher
Read MoreWhen groups of entities depart, do not feel sorrow ~ rather, understand that it is a group that has accomplished some
Read MoreThere are a certain number of entities allowable on the earth plane at any given time ~ it is a large number currently to
Read MoreAt any time, there are entities out of The One and entities who have maintained their merging ~ all existing at the
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