A soulmate means that you have taken on many roles with another over many manifestations ~ on the earth plane and
Read MoreWith free will, what you choose to do with an opportunity presented to you will depend on Self.
Read MoreMany times, once the mission is completed, an entity is given an opportunity to stay on the earth plane and serve in a
Read MoreWhen you are ready to know something, it will be shown to you.
Read MoreYou are all unique Souls because you have taken on the challenge of the earth plane. There are billions and billions of
Read MoreThe earth plane is specifically set up to entrap ~ and, that is known ahead of time by you.
Read MoreWhen deciding to come onto the earth plane, there is a contract that is enterted into with The Universe, and you
Read MoreYou choose to enter the earth plane ~ and, once you do, you begin a series of manifestations that can take as long as
Read MoreThere are uncountable numbers of energy forms who will never come to the earth plane, for their path takes them to
Read MoreAs you open up your own awarenesses, you gain greater insight and become more closely aligned to the entire
Read MoreHumor will help you maintain yourself. Do not go around with a long face, anxious and nervous about what is
Read MoreAs you increase in your vibrations, you will be more susceptible to higher energy forms of the darkness, as well as of
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