Posts in Waith Words for the Day
|03.28.18|Waith Words for the Day

Just because you are manifesting
in this concreteness for a specific
purpose of information acquisition, 
does not mean that the other dimensions
of Self are doing nothing ~ it is simultaneous. 
The purpose for convening a meeting of the
dimensions of Self is to learn the skill
of going within Self to those other
dimensions that have a particular
component of information. 
Easier said than done. :-)

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|03.27.18|Waith Words for the Day

If you are comfortable in a
particular location within Self, 
then you have no difficulties ~ 
you come and go and
take it for granted. 
It also means that you have not
grown in your travels within Self. 
By saying that you need to
go to a new location within Self ~ 
and the traveling to that location
will give you challenges ~ 
is a way in which stretching
of your vibration occurs.

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|03.23.18|Waith Words for the Day

What you feel is an imposition by another, 
someone else may not feel at all. 
They may have experienced that level of
service so that it is integrated within Self
and they are not feeling imposed upon. 
Yet, that individual would then have another
point at which they would feel imposed upon. 
Thus it becomes important that you find your
own point between Selfless and Selfish.

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