Welcome to Terra Lux 

Terra Lux is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Center of Spiritual Awareness dedicated to Spiritual Leadership. The information on our website is given by Waith, an Archangel, who has been speaking through Mushiba since 1987. Terra Lux and Waith are here to Be of Service, give guidance in developing Spiritual Leadership skills and provide educational tools to those who seek help in finding their balance.

This process of “speaking through” is also known as Channelling ~ and has been described by many as the gaining of information from a Higher Source, tuning into Higher Consciousness, and thus, bringing forth the communication received from the Energy of Higher Spirits.

In the Words of Waith: “I come from a very High Energy Level, or dimension, known as The Angelic Kingdom. This Kingdom is one of Service and designated to serve as Protectors, Warriors, and Messengers.”

Terra Lux operates as a result of an all-volunteer base of entities who live in different locations, globally. A Model of Group Direction known as the Fluidity of Terra Lux, and given by Waith, is an all-encompassing process that focuses on three circles of energy flow:

  • Service ~ Learning to Be of Service to Self and to Others

  • Education ~ Learning Spiritual Concepts via Waith disseminated information as well as from a diversity of spiritual belief systems

  • Leadership ~ Learning to take responsibility for Self 


To disseminate information for growth, share spiritual knowledge, help raise the vibration, consciousness, and sense of balance of those who seek, and give Light when requested.

To help people ~

  • Love and Respect Self ~ as well as other energy forms

  • Achieve Peace within ~ by finding their own answers

  • Find Balance and Harmony between the Abstract and the Concrete

  • Find Playtime and Lightheartedness

  • Respond to the Earth Changes

  • Learn how to search within Self for their answers

  • Expand their levels of awareness and to test that expansion in a safe, nonjudgemental environment

  • Learn and increase their Spiritual Leadership skills

  • Practice Respect and Tolerance for all energies

  • Be of Service to Self and Others

  • Receive information about The New Illusion ~ the time after The Shift of the Earth’s axis


In the Words of Waith: “To provide information that will enable an entity to balance between the earth plane ~ that which is concrete ~ and the spiritual ~ that which is abstract ~ and learn how the two are interconnected. To provide information that will enable our vibration to respond in a way that will provide opportunities for vibrational advancement and spiritual growth.”


Our mission is highlighted by the Guidelines for Growth ~

In the Words of Waith:The Guidelines for Growth is about Spiritual Living in a Physical World by Spiritual Beings Living Spiritual Lives.

Respect Self
Love Self
Respect Others
Love Others
Be of Service to Self
Be of Service to Others
Be Joyful
Be Serious
Be Single of Purpose
Be Unified in Purpose